The Methodist denomination has had a long tradition for having some of the most beautiful hymns and spiritual music.
Wesleyan Ringers - Handbell Choir
For anyone who would like to make joyful noise to the Lord and has the ability to attend weekly rehearsals.
No experience is necessary. Knowledge of music is helpful.
Rehearsals are once a week on Thursdays from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. We participate in every Sunday morning worship service during the academic year including Christmas Eve, Easter, and other special services.
Chancel Choir
For all instrumentalists, including string, woodwind, brass, and percussion, who play by ear and/or read music.
Band Rehearsals are prior to Sunday Worship Service from 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. UMCNB Band plays each Sunday at Worship Service including Christmas Eve, Easter, and other special services.
UMCNB Virtual Music
Interested in joining our music program? Please complete the form below.
1896 Jardine Organ
Here at UMC New Brunswick, we love our organ. It was built in 1896 by George Jardine and Sons, a New York City based firm. By the time of their closure in 1899, Jardine & Sons had produced 1300 organs in the United States and Mexico. Currently, there are less than 100 left in the world. Our organ is identified as number 1230. The Organ Historical Society web page about the organ has a stoplist and additional information.